Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is Integrity?.... It's Benefits and It's Consequences

Merriam-Webster defines INTEGRITY as having a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. Not subject to decay or dissolution i.e. INCORRUPTIBLE or an unimpaired condition i.e. SOUNDNESS or the quality or state of being complete or undivided i.e. COMPLETE. However, There are Benefits of having INTEGRITY and of course there are consequences of not having INTEGRITY also..... and believe me it is a day to day battle to remain steadfast in that battle for INTEGRITY. And if asked a great number of people would say that are people of very high INTEGRITY in every walk of there life's but, I would have to question the INTEGRITY of that answer wouldn't you? I know of but, ONE person who's INTEGRITY would without a doubt be totally unquestioned! So, what are the benefits of having INTEGRITY and the consequences of not having INTEGRITY? Integrity's rewards and Integrity's shortcomings.

Benefits of High Integrity

1) You and others are happy
2) Peace of mind; no guilty feelings
3) Feel good or satisfied at having done the right thing
4) Gain other people's trust and respect
5) Do not get others into trouble unnecessarily
6) Become a good example or an inspiration to others
7) May get rewards, e.g.. in terms of money, promotions, awards etc.

Consequences of Low Integrity

1) May be punished e.g. scolding, fines
2) May get into trouble with the law e.g. convicted of crime; fine; jailed
3) Have bad reputation
4) Feel Guilty
5) Lose other's trust and respect
6) Result in problems: accidents, injury, death
7) Get others into trouble

For More Information Contact:

Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel